What is Written off and Settled in Credit Report?

What is Written off and Settled in Credit Report?

You would have came across the terms “Written Off” and "Settled" in your credit report. There are 4 RBI approved credit bureaus they are CIBIL, Experian, Highmark and Equifax. The…

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Fees and Charges on Credit card you should be aware of

Fees and Charges on Credit card you should be aware of

Credit cards come with a lot of features, such as additional discounts and interesting reward points. Credit cards also come in different categories to suit every type of need. Even…

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Types of Home Loans

Types of Home Loans

Most people achieve their dream of buying a home with the help of a home loan. Over the last two decades, the demand for home loans in India has increased…

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Myths around Personal Loans!

Myths around Personal Loans!

Whenever you need quick or short-term liquidity, personal loans could be your own knight in shining armor! You can get these short-term unsecured loans sanctioned in less than a week…

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Take Your Credit Score to the best – 750+!

Take Your Credit Score to the best – 750+!

A bad Credit Score can be improved/ rebuild even without Credit Cards. Primarily you need to repair your credit history before you see your Credit Score improvement. The following factors…

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Credit Reports do have errors! How to fix them?

Credit Reports do have errors! How to fix them?

Report cards have always been integral to our growth; showing our strengths and weak spots, indicative of our wellbeing and performance. Credit Reports are quite like that – highlighting our…

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Defaulted on Home Loan repayment? Here are the consequences!

Defaulted on Home Loan repayment? Here are the consequences!

A Loan is an amount of money provided to the borrower by the lender with or without any collateral, with the promise of repayment of the initial amount borrowed along…

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Named a defaulter by Credit Bureau? Here’s how to get out!

Named a defaulter by Credit Bureau? Here’s how to get out!

Let us understand that there is no separate defaulters list with the banks or credit bodies. Rather, credit companies maintain data pertaining to your repayment performance on the credit of…

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License to operate Food Business

License to operate Food Business

If you own or run a restaurant or a food business, this is your chance to jump on the online bandwagon. But be alert - because, with the tremendous growth…

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MSME Loan Criteria

MSME Loan Criteria

It is observed based on facts that only a micro percentage of MSME units could avail bank finance and the majority are still left out from availing Bank finance. Such…

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Avail Loan against Insurance Policy

Avail Loan against Insurance Policy

There are two different types of loans available in the market- secured and unsecured loans. Personal loan top the list of unsecured loans which bites in the back later on.…

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Can you get a loan to fund extending your home?

Can you get a loan to fund extending your home?

There might have been a period in your life when you shared a room with a friend or colleague. It could be during your college days or your early employment…

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Connecting House Rent Allowance and Interest on Home Loan…

Connecting House Rent Allowance and Interest on Home Loan…

HRA – Salaried individuals who live in rented accommodation can avail the benefit of this deduction. The extent of deduction which can be availed is subject to the provisions of section 10(13A) of…

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Beware of Instant Loan Apps! Do not fall prey…

Beware of Instant Loan Apps! Do not fall prey…

A lot of instant loan applications sprouted when the country started to get into a lockdown that was induced due to Covid-19 and people started to face a cash crunch.…

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New Cheque rules swoop in from Jan 1st – Here’s the positive uptake!

New Cheque rules swoop in from Jan 1st – Here’s the positive uptake!

The RBI (Reserve Bank of India) decided to introduce the 'positive pay system' for cheque a couple of months ago. Under the new rule re-confirmation of key details may be needed…

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Top-up loan against your car! Understand how it works?

Top-up loan against your car! Understand how it works?

Is your current car loan proving to be a burden? Does it charge you a high-interest rate and hefty monthly payments? If this is the case, you’d be better off…

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Home Loan repaid? Ensure these important tasks!

Home Loan repaid? Ensure these important tasks!

You will experience a unique mix of relief and pleasure after paying the final installment of your home loan. The effort – of applying for a loan, making the down payment,…

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Why opt for New home over resale?

Why opt for New home over resale?

With new buildings burgeoning everywhere, there is a huge demand for new flats. And yet, most people opt for a resale home. However, taking a call on whether to invest…

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Can MSMEs be loan-ready?

Can MSMEs be loan-ready?

While MSMEs are still learning how loans can help them unleash their full potential, they need quick and carefully guided access to funds to help their enterprises reach their full…

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Benefits of taking Personal Loan for Medical use

Benefits of taking Personal Loan for Medical use

Medical emergencies often come unannounced. No matter how good you are with planning your finances, such crises in the family could severely impact your financial health. With the cost of…

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Can one opt out of Joint Home Loan? Yes! Here’s how?

Can one opt out of Joint Home Loan? Yes! Here’s how?

Home Loan is provided by financial institutions such as Banks or Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC) based on the eligibility of the applicant calculated after assessment of the applicant’s repayment capacity as well…

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Buying a home? Beware of these regulations!

Buying a home? Beware of these regulations!

Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) is the government authority that oversees the real estate transactions especially homes and properties newly built or developed. One must be aware of the necessary…

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Is it beneficial to buy flats from Landowner’s share?

Is it beneficial to buy flats from Landowner’s share?

Both the landowner and the builder are important stakeholders who invest a great deal of enthusiasm and commitment in a real-estate project, whether it is flats or villas. A buyer…

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Advantages of Part and Full Pre-Payment of Personal Loan

Advantages of Part and Full Pre-Payment of Personal Loan

Interest charges on the unpaid amount on your Personal Loans and Credit card attract some of the highest rates of interest. Often ranging from 15-20% Personal loans command a premium…

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Determine the right tenor for your Loan against Property

Determine the right tenor for your Loan against Property

Whether you are looking for finance to invest in your business, planning your dream wedding, or need funds to tackle emergency medical issues, you can avail of a loan against…

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Myths around Personal Loans

Myths around Personal Loans

Haven’t we all at least once in our lifetime been skeptical about availing a personal loan to meet financial shortcomings? Yes, Certainly! This is because personal loans may be misconceived…

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Thinking of transferring the loan to another bank? Avoid these mistakes!

Thinking of transferring the loan to another bank? Avoid these mistakes!

By now you are aware that a quick fix to managing your cash problems is by getting a Personal Loan or a Credit Card. Personal Loans are unsecured loans that you don’t need…

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Is it worth to take Personal Loan for a Business Purpose?

Is it worth to take Personal Loan for a Business Purpose?

Is taking a Personal Loan good for Business Purpose? A personal loan is solely dependant on the credit line of an Individual. Check out if it is a good bet…

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Availing Loan against Property? Here’s what you should check before?

Availing Loan against Property? Here’s what you should check before?

A loan against property (LAP) is a secured loan given against residential or commercial property such as a house, shop, etc. This loan can be used for funding business expansion…

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Checklist these before Closing a Home loan

Checklist these before Closing a Home loan

Once the final EMI of your home loan is paid, you become a proud owner of a home. It is an exciting and emotional moment and a time for celebration.…

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Filing Income Tax? Here are the Dos and Don’ts!

Filing Income Tax? Here are the Dos and Don’ts!

The last date for filing income tax returns is almost here i.e Dec 31st, 2020. So, it’s time to gear up and complete the annual tax filing before the date.…

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Flat Interest vs Reducing Interest Loans

Flat Interest vs Reducing Interest Loans

Loans usually come with different Interest levying Mechanisms i.e Flat interest and reducing interest. While the Interest rates remain the same, the levying mechanism changes. Let's take a look at…

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Which one to opt for – Loan term loan or Short term loan?

Which one to opt for – Loan term loan or Short term loan?

Personal loans have become readily available to potential borrowers via online and traditional mediums. Lenders are going the extra mile to lend client-friendly loans to ideal borrowers. As customers come…

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Tax Benefits on Life Insurance Policy

Tax Benefits on Life Insurance Policy

Purchasing life insurance is a must, especially if your spouse and children are dependent on your income to survive. Even if your spouse is earning, it would be a good…

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Understanding Personal Line of Credit!

Understanding Personal Line of Credit!

A personal line of credit is mostly like a loan but works similarly to a credit card. This is because, with a line of credit, you get a specific loan…

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How to claim Vehicle Insurance?

How to claim Vehicle Insurance?

Vehicle Insurance is an important document a vehicle owner should have and is also subject to a penalty if not carried along always. Insurance is an important document that helps…

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Residential demand falling in Bangalore. Is it the right time to buy?

Residential demand falling in Bangalore. Is it the right time to buy?

Bangalore is one of the top-performing Residential markets in India. It has also been taken a big hit in the segment due to the Covid-19 impact. With steady growth registered…

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5 Key things to remember while applying for a Personal Loan

5 Key things to remember while applying for a Personal Loan

In spite of being the best-selling financial product and the most famous one, there are certain things you should not ignore while taking a personal loan. Borrowing is a serious thing…

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How to secure your online Card transactions?

How to secure your online Card transactions?

If you love keeping up with the happenings in the country through newspapers, TV channels, or online articles, you might now come across cases of credit card frauds on a…

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Union Government agrees to waive off interest on loans upto 2 crore

Union Government agrees to waive off interest on loans upto 2 crore

The Central government has agreed to waive off compounded interest for loans up to Rs 2 crore, frozen by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in a six-month moratorium granted…

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Understanding earning and redeeming points on Credit Card spends…

Understanding earning and redeeming points on Credit Card spends…

Today, a lot of people use a Credit Card for various online transactions and enjoy the benefits that come with it. In this write-up, we state how you can earn…

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Impact of availing Moratorium on your loans.

Impact of availing Moratorium on your loans.

The Central Government has told the Supreme Court that it will likely come with a decision by 1st of October regarding overcharging of interest by banks on installments which were…

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Why Home Loans get rejected? Know the reason!

Why Home Loans get rejected? Know the reason!

You have done everything right, but you are still left analyzing your loan application outcome. Loan rejection is the most frustrating feeling, especially if you are in dire need of…

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Can you increase your low Credit Score?

Can you increase your low Credit Score?

Yes, you can bounce back from a low Credit Score. Here’s how you can rebuild your score and become credit-ready. It’s a common misconception among consumers that someone with a…

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Key things to consider before taking Education Loan

Key things to consider before taking Education Loan

Just like all other types of loans, it is essential to collect as much information as possible when taking a loan for education. Some of the most important things you…

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Buying a Home? Here’s what to check before!

Buying a Home? Here’s what to check before!

Investing on a new house or flat is one of the most crucial decisions of your life and is probably an idea you have been nurturing since a very young…

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Can Home loan be rejected even with Good Score?

Can Home loan be rejected even with Good Score?

Banks, HFCs and various state Governments are coming up with innovative and subsidized solutions to uplift the real estate sector that seems to have been hit the hardest. The measures…

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What factors pull down your Credit Score?

What factors pull down your Credit Score?

Has your loan application been rejected, and that too, several times over? Most of the times the reason could be your poor credit score. Your credit score reflects your credit…

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Need a Credit Card? Know the eligibility…

Need a Credit Card? Know the eligibility…

With increasing ease of access and higher disposable income, consumption patterns have undergone a drastic change. Today, you can either make a purchase through cash or you can use short-term…

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Are there any tax benefits on personal Loans?

Are there any tax benefits on personal Loans?

Whenever we apply for loan, we aspire for some tax benefits from it. Under the Indian laws, there are tax benefits on repayments of a loan. This blog will help…

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Understanding property tax in Bangalore!

Understanding property tax in Bangalore!

In India, Property Tax is levied by the municipal authorities on real estate such as residential, commercial and industrial. It is based on the property value. The rate of property…

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Gold Loan vs Personal Loan – Which one to take?

Gold Loan vs Personal Loan – Which one to take?

Indians have special attachment towards gold. Sometimes this attachment goes beyond the obvious intentions of gaining from any rally in gold prices. For Indians, gold remains a safe haven that…

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A guide to property registration in India

A guide to property registration in India

Buying a home is one of the most significant milestones in a person’s life; a dream-come-true feat, isn’t it! After all, you have spent a fortune on your property. However,…

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Important Measures MSMEs Should Adopt To Be Loan-ready

Important Measures MSMEs Should Adopt To Be Loan-ready

While MSMEs are still adopting and learning how loans can help them realize their full potential, they require quick and carefully guided access to capital to help their enterprises reach…

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Banks vs Housing Finance Company? Where to avail Home Loan?

Banks vs Housing Finance Company? Where to avail Home Loan?

When opting for a home loan, borrowers are often in a dilemma over whether to opt for a housing finance company or bank. We examine the advantages and disadvantages of…

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How to reduce your Home Loan Interest rate?

How to reduce your Home Loan Interest rate?

Its tough finding a home that matches your lifestyle and impresses you to host you for your life. Also, funding is not any issue with many banks lining up to…

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Direct taxes in India

Direct taxes in India

There are two types of taxes that Government of India levies on its citizens i.e Direct tax and Indirect tax. Indirect taxes are usually transferred to another person after being…

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Do Businesses need to be GST compliant? What are the benefits?

Do Businesses need to be GST compliant? What are the benefits?

Businesses need to pay taxes on the revenue and the income they generate. they are in the form of Direct taxes and indirect taxes. Direct taxes are one that are…

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Differentiating Home Loan and Loan against Property.

Differentiating Home Loan and Loan against Property.

Purchasing a new home or a plot of land may not appear to be different to many people and both purchases would be referred to as buying property in common…

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Loan against Commercial Property

Loan against Commercial Property

Compared to Residential property loan, commercial property loan is very much different. A home construction loan is an easy task as banks are keen to fund residential properties depending upon…

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Employee Stock Options for Startups

Employee Stock Options for Startups

The emergence of Startups has also heralded the new age of employee compensation structures. Startups are innovative ‘by-default’ and their creativity also extends to the sphere of how their employees…

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How Small Businesses can accept Card and Mobile Payments?

How Small Businesses can accept Card and Mobile Payments?

As a Small Business owner and Retailer, outfitting your venture to accept card and mobile payments is a much needed payment modes to stay at par with market norms. With…

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Understanding the Merchant Discount Rate (MDR)

Understanding the Merchant Discount Rate (MDR)

Merchant discount rate (MDR) is the fee levied by banks from merchants for providing them with payment and settlement infrastructure - or POS (point-of-sale) machines and Payment Gateway for internet…

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Startup Assistance Scheme by SIDBI and Govt. of India

Startup Assistance Scheme by SIDBI and Govt. of India

Startups are young, dynamic and innovative in nature and usually have a resource-crunch. Currently facing lockdown situations across the world due to the COVID-19 outbreak, startup founders need to find…

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Here’s how you can avail a loan with Low Credit Score!

Here’s how you can avail a loan with Low Credit Score!

CIBIL or a Credit Score is a key requisite to avail a loan either from Bank or a NBFC as it gives them a clear picture to the lender on…

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Banks in no hurry to approve Home Loans!

Banks in no hurry to approve Home Loans!

Borrowers are provided lesser property valuation for approving loans as the real estate sector has taken a hit due to the economic crisis by Covid 19 pandemic. Real estate prices…

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Loan Moratorium may be extended further by RBI

Loan Moratorium may be extended further by RBI

The Reserve bank of India which provided 6 month Loan Moratorium till August 31st may consider furthering the moratorium period for select loan categories amid increasing number of Covid 19…

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Building Plan Approval process in Bengaluru City – BBMP and BDA

Building Plan Approval process in Bengaluru City – BBMP and BDA

Building Plan approval is the first legal step to start with the construction of a building. If construction initiated without obtaining approval, there is always a legal risk for building's…

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With 1.34 bn transactions, UPI hits all time high in June

With 1.34 bn transactions, UPI hits all time high in June

UPI transactions had fell to nearly 1 bn transactions in April due to Covid related restrictions pan India that continued for nearly 2 months. Online transactions too fell as the…

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Covid Personal Loan – A new kind of loan to existing borrowers!

Covid Personal Loan – A new kind of loan to existing borrowers!

Banking are at the forefront to offer loans to people amid the ongoing covid crisis. The pandemic has impacted health and wealth of many and is holding the economy in…

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Why building Financial Credibility is a key for being Financially insured?

Why building Financial Credibility is a key for being Financially insured?

Money is an important aspect in everyone's day to day life. From buying milk everyday to fuel your vehicle, you need to have some money, else the things get tougher.…

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Startup Funding falls in H1 2020! Will they try Business Loans?

Startup Funding falls in H1 2020! Will they try Business Loans?

The startups in India had a very busy run in the past decade making hundreds of funding transactions. But 2020 is no cake walk for Indian startups who were hoping…

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What is MSME? The backbone of Indian Economy!

What is MSME? The backbone of Indian Economy!

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are businesses engaged in production, manufacturing, processing and preservation of goods and commodities. They are established under the Government of India's Micro, Small and…

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Can’t pay your Credit Card bill? Here’s what you can do!

Can’t pay your Credit Card bill? Here’s what you can do!

Maintaining a good credit history is a key to have an efficient financial credibility which helps in borrowing money from organized finance sector i.e Banks and NBFCs (Non Banking Finance…

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Business Loan Tax Benefits

Business Loan Tax Benefits

Business Loans just doesn't just help with scaling up your business and provide with capital needs, but also offers tax benefits. The interest paid on Business loans is tax deductible…

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Number of Borrowers seeking Moratorium on Retail Loan drops and so does new Approval rates!

Number of Borrowers seeking Moratorium on Retail Loan drops and so does new Approval rates!

Retail Loans constitute the large number of loans sanctioned by banks and NBFCs (Non Banking Finance Companies). Generally smaller in value, the EMIs are smaller with less tenure extending up…

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Section 24 – Home Loan Tax Benefits

Section 24 – Home Loan Tax Benefits

There are many tax benefits if you avail a home loan. Repayments to a certain is exempted from Income Tax which is covered under Section 24 of Income Tax Act…

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What is Vehicle Hypothecation?

What is Vehicle Hypothecation?

You might have heard about Hypothecation while purchasing a car or a two wheeler especially while availing a loan to buy them. What does it mean? Let' understand. What is…

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It’s not auspicious time to buy new homes as approval rates

It’s not auspicious time to buy new homes as approval rates

It is a unique and first-of-its-kind crisis in the world that we are facing due to Covid-19 pandemic. Every sector of Business is affected along with their employees and people…

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Personal Loans gets tougher

Personal Loans gets tougher

Covid 19 crisis in India has left the credit sector struggling with companies backing out on Loan repayment utilizing the RBI's provision of 6 month moratorium. The case is the…

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Have a Business idea? Get funded many ways!

Have a Business idea? Get funded many ways!

A notion of starting own business is great. Unfortunately, an idea is not just enough for fulfilling it, you need capital too. Funding your business may be hard i.e source…

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RBI further extend Moratorium period by 3 months

RBI further extend Moratorium period by 3 months

Moratorium period is the period of time during which you do not have to pay an EMI on the loan taken. This period is also known as EMI holiday. Usually,…

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TDS Tax Credit not showing up? Here’s what you can do!

TDS Tax Credit not showing up? Here’s what you can do!

What if the TDS (Tax Deducted Source) has deducted out from your account but fails to show up on your Form 16A while filing annual returns? Understanding How TDS Works?…

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Understanding Fixed Deposit and recurring Deposit.

Understanding Fixed Deposit and recurring Deposit.

Who doesn’t love a risk-free investment? Particularly in India, the popular financial philosophy is to maximize savings and keep your money secure, while letting it grow at a steady pace.…

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Can you avail Second personal Loan?

Can you avail Second personal Loan?

Unforeseen financial events could occur anytime, including even after you have already taken a Personal Loan. What if you are already repaying a Personal Loan, but an unexpected event now…

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With only Supply-Side Stimulus in Economic Package, What’s to boost the Demand?

With only Supply-Side Stimulus in Economic Package, What’s to boost the Demand?

Covid-19 virus have made even the biggest economies cripple and halt. With many Nations trying their best to not let their economies fall into recession, it's still a long and…

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Benefits of Personal Loan Balance Transfer

Benefits of Personal Loan Balance Transfer

A Personal loan balance transfer is a process that allows a customer to transfer his or her personal loan from an existing lender to a new lender.  By means of this, you…

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How to claim Covid-19 EPF Advance?

How to claim Covid-19 EPF Advance?

The Government of India has eased EPF (Provident Fund) withdrawal rules to help people access their funds amidst the COVID-19 pandemic lock down. Here’s how you can do just that.…

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How is Home Loan disbursed?

How is Home Loan disbursed?

A Home loan is the first step to fulfill your dream of owning a home. The final stage of the loan process is the disbursement. So, what is disbursement? It is the…

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Tips for First Time Home Buyers

Tips for First Time Home Buyers

Home Loans come with a ton of benefits for first-time home buyers as they can avail additional tax benefits on the interest repayment of the Home Loan as well as…

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Heard of ‘Reverse Mortgage’?

Heard of ‘Reverse Mortgage’?

Whenever one speaks or thinks about post-retirement life, the typical problems that come to our mind are proper financial support and lack of regular income for taking care of healthcare,…

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Refinancing Business Loan? Know these before opting for one…

Refinancing Business Loan? Know these before opting for one…

There are many business owners who do not rethink of their business loan once it is taken. Many business loan borrowers go with a “set and forget” approach towards their business loan…

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Why apply for Personal Loan through an Agent (DSA)?

Why apply for Personal Loan through an Agent (DSA)?

Personal loans are a kind of unsecured and multipurpose loan extended by financial institutions. This is a term loan which comes at a fixed interest rate ranging from 11% - 37%…

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Collateral one can use to get a Secured Business Loan

Collateral one can use to get a Secured Business Loan

A collateral is an important for availing a secured or a asset backed business loan. If you are looking for a way to fund your business, then a loan against…

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How to choose your Home Loan Tenure wisely?

How to choose your Home Loan Tenure wisely?

Buying a own home is among the most significant decisions of an individual’s life. All your life you work towards realizing the dream of having your own roof, saving bit…

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Understanding Carpet Space, Built Up Space and Super Built Up Space

Understanding Carpet Space, Built Up Space and Super Built Up Space

Real Estate Developers and Agents throw a lot of Jargon that are pretty difficult to understand especially First-Home Buyers. Few of those terms are Carpet area, Built-up area and super…

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Not interested in an Apartment? Well, Build your own home! – Home Construction Loan

Not interested in an Apartment? Well, Build your own home! – Home Construction Loan

Building a house of your own is everybody’s dream. But it requires lots of planning, from designing its architecture to laying the first foundation, constructing from ground up and designing…

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Entrepreneurs Fail! Know the key reasons?

Entrepreneurs Fail! Know the key reasons?

Entrepreneurship is not just about starting a business by investing some capital and deriving profits. It is the way of creating value for a product or a service and making…

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5 Income Tax Changes effective April 1st

5 Income Tax Changes effective April 1st

The Union Budget for the financial year 2020-21 announced by the Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman will be effective from April 1st. There are a new schemes and changes announced by…

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Whether to Avail Moratorium or not?

Whether to Avail Moratorium or not?

The Reserve Bank of India’s loan deferment announcement to borrowers amid the COVID-19 outbreak is a welcome relief. However, one needs to consider these details before you make a decision…

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HDFC Bank Moratorium Guidelines

HDFC Bank Moratorium Guidelines

As per the guidelines of Reserve Bank of India to combat Economic pressures amid Covid-19, HDFC has provided all its retail and corporate customers to avail up to 3 months…

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RBI directs Lenders to provide 3-month Moratorium amid Covid-19

RBI directs Lenders to provide 3-month Moratorium amid Covid-19

RBI directions to Banks will now have discretion in deciding the limits on individual working capital, with Central Bank saying that no payment miss by borrowers should be considered a…

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GST Rate on Housing

GST Rate on Housing

The GST (Goods and Services Tax) Council, in its 33rd meeting, announced reduction of GST rates for under-construction houses to 5 per cent, and 1 per cent for affordable housing with…

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You need to stay away from Covid-19. But How?

You need to stay away from Covid-19. But How?

There is a lot of efforts being put by the Union and Central Governments to curb the rise of Covid-19 cases and have imposed a 21 day lock down till…

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Do you have Multiple Credit Cards? You need the read this…

Do you have Multiple Credit Cards? You need the read this…

Your credit score is the one which defines your overall financial health, hence it’s very important to take care of it & to know about the components which can affect…

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Buying a Property? Know the Stamp duty and registration charges

Buying a Property? Know the Stamp duty and registration charges

The Government of Karnataka has cut down the stamp duty charges levied while purchasing a property either land or flats in the State by 3 percent. With this announcement, properties…

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Understanding fixed and floating rate of Interest

Understanding fixed and floating rate of Interest

A Home Loan offers the perfect opportunity to purchase your dream home, without putting a strain on your income or even your savings. However, like any loan application, there are…

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Buying a Flat? Understand How your ownership works!

Buying a Flat? Understand How your ownership works!

Owning a Flat? Have you realized the value of the property you hold in the gated community? Here's a quick look into understanding the concept of Undivided Share of Land…

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Debt Financing for Startups. How it works?

Debt Financing for Startups. How it works?

Usually, firms need additional funding in order to expand in operations or reach higher revenue levels that wouldn’t be possible otherwise. These firms can raise such additional funds by primarily…

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Do’s and Don’ts on Withdrawing cash from Credit Card

Do’s and Don’ts on Withdrawing cash from Credit Card

Credit Cards have revolutionized the way of borrowing money. The cash advance feature available on your Credit Card lets one to withdraw cash from any ATM. You get avail instant…

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Why Loan Defaults happen in India?

Why Loan Defaults happen in India?

Frauds and Loan Defaults are the key reasons for unpaid loans in India which then turn into a Non-Performing Asset (NPA). Usually Indian Lenders including Banks and NBFCs believe that…

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Bank or NBFC? Where to get the loan from?

Bank or NBFC? Where to get the loan from?

Getting a loan in India is a cakewalk if you meet the eligibility criteria but the main concern among many is to decide whether to choose a bank or NBFC for loans in India.…

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Think Credit Card is a Debt Trap? Not Necessarily…

Think Credit Card is a Debt Trap? Not Necessarily…

There are Credit Cards from various companies that come with a lot of amazing offers to help you save some money while shopping. The Cards have lucrative deals bundled with…

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Do a regular review of existing Home Loan!

Do a regular review of existing Home Loan!

Taking a Home Loan is a big step in one's financial life. While this investment can help you save taxes on the interest paid up to Rs.5 lakhs, it also means taking on…

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New Income Tax rules for the assessment year 2020-21

New Income Tax rules for the assessment year 2020-21

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman today announced new income tax rates and slabs alongside the existing tax slabs and rates.But these new tax rates are optional and will be applicable for…

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Personal Loan for Government Employees

Personal Loan for Government Employees

Serving the government or in public office as an employee is a matter of pride. A government job not just ensures job security but also a wide range of benefits.…

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Quitting your job? Financially prepared?

Quitting your job? Financially prepared?

Whether it is a new business idea that has taken hold of you or simple dissatisfaction with your current employer, there can be several reasons why you would want to…

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Understanding Home Loan Balance Transfer

Understanding Home Loan Balance Transfer

A home loan balance transfer is also known as refinancing or simply as a balance transfer. It is an option that a lot of people opt for, to avail of…

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Aged 45 and applying for a Home Loan? Check this out!

Aged 45 and applying for a Home Loan? Check this out!

There is more to buying your dream house than taking a home loan and repaying the principal and interest over a fixed period of time. Home loan — often one of the…

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Starting a Business? Know a few things and avoid disaster!

Starting a Business? Know a few things and avoid disaster!

When you decide to become an entrepreneur, you are practically deciding to give birth to a child. What becomes of it is solely your responsibility and that’s the most challenging and…

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Women Entrepreneurship in India

Women Entrepreneurship in India

Women entrepreneurs have become an integral part of today’s corporate world. Not only are they able to equalize their duties of both motherhood and entrepreneurship but also, they comprise almost…

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Buying a House? Rethink!

Buying a House? Rethink!

Among the most major decisions that are driven by a investor’s psychology rather than financial factors, perhaps the biggest is buying a house, the space we occupy seems to play…

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MSME and its role in India’s Economy!

MSME and its role in India’s Economy!

When you’re interested in setting up your own enterprise in India, having an answer to the question, ‘What is an MSME?’ is extremely important. In a nutshell, MSMEs are Micro,…

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Booming eCommerce in India!

Booming eCommerce in India!

The outlook for India’s economy may be gloomy for now, but one sector looks set to boom: online retail. As more and more Indians use the internet, revenues of e-commerce…

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Know this before getting into Partnership Business

Know this before getting into Partnership Business

Business partnerships play a vital role in the success of new ventures. They come with extra managerial support - a blend of intellectual, monetary capital, and skills. Stay alert with…

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Taking Home Loan? How about taking Jointly?

Taking Home Loan? How about taking Jointly?

Buying a dream home is a big decision for most of us and one that involves the entire family, not just the borrower. Families usually spend a lot of time…

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Have a Loan already? Take Top-Up!

Have a Loan already? Take Top-Up!

What Is Top Up Loan? The top-up loan, as the name suggests, is the additional loan you take on your existing personal loan or a home loan. If you are…

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Personal Loan vs Gold Loan

Personal Loan vs Gold Loan

From medical emergency to marriage function, there are several called and uncalled events in life when you might need funds that you don't readily have. A Personal loan is one…

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How is Property valued?

How is Property valued?

The process of estimating the value of the property is known as valuation. There are numerous methods for assessing the value of a property. Valuation gives useful insight to both…

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Personal Loan vs Loan against Property

Personal Loan vs Loan against Property

The necessity of additional funds over and above one’s income and savings is a common phenomenon, especially with rising requirements in the current scenario. Although there are various ways of…

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Myths about Home Loan

Myths about Home Loan

Home loans are gaining popularity as a convenient way for property purchases. However, there are various home loan myths or misconceptions. To better understand Home loans, one needs to bust these…

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Co-branded Credit Cards and its uses

Co-branded Credit Cards and its uses

Co-branded credit cards are the product of a mutual partnership between a particular merchant and a credit card issuer. Together, they create a credit card that bears the merchant’s logo…

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The Business Plan for the convenient Business Loan

The Business Plan for the convenient Business Loan

A Business plan is a formal document that contains all the prospective business objectives, goals and especially financials. Notably, a business plan is a roadmap that provides direction to the business. The…

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How does Credit Card EMI work?

How does Credit Card EMI work?

Credit Card EMIs can be useful and convenient, but there are these scenarios in which to use them. EMIs on Credit Card comes in handy when you want to buy…

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Personal Loan Pre-Payment: Pros and Cons

Personal Loan Pre-Payment: Pros and Cons

Personal Loans are the most widely used financial product be it for travel, festival celebrations, buying gadgets or wedding preparations without any restrictions. In spite of its convenience, it also the…

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Utilize Credit Card Benefits in International Transactions

Utilize Credit Card Benefits in International Transactions

Credit Cards come handy when you’re traveling abroad. They allow you to make payments and transactions without carrying any cash with you. Here's some light on the benefits of using…

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Understanding Long Term Personal Loan

Understanding Long Term Personal Loan

What are Personal Loans? Loans provided by the Banks and NBFCs to the eligible borrowers without any usage limitations or Restrictions are Personal Loans. Whether it be a medical emergency or any…

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Insurance for your Home Loan!

Insurance for your Home Loan!

Thought the term is a new concept, Home Loan Insurance can save you from a lot of troubles. India is a huge country with a wide variety of flora and…

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A Guide to calculating Home Loan EMI

A Guide to calculating Home Loan EMI

The most prior thought in your mind when you take a loan to purchase your home will be the loan repayment aspect. Your home loan is repaid through equated monthly installments or…

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Know the difference between Home Loan and Land Loan

Know the difference between Home Loan and Land Loan

Purchasing a new home or a plot of land may not appear to be different to many people and both purchases would be referred to as buying property in common…

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What is Property Guidance Value?

What is Property Guidance Value?

What is Guidance Value?The property/asset guidance value is a non-negotiable price per sq. ft. for properties in a particular locality defined by the Government. A well-developed and commercial locality will…

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Benefits of taking a Personal Loan!

Benefits of taking a Personal Loan!

The emergence of Personal Loans has completely transformed the way in which the current generation meets their lifestyle aspirations or the way in which financial support is availed in the…

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How to manage Home Loan EMI?

How to manage Home Loan EMI?

Availing a housing loan is quite common in India, considering the high demand within the real estate sector in this day and age for luxury or affordable luxury, and with…

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How to Calculate EMI?

How to Calculate EMI?

Loans have become an integral part of everyone’s life today and help us achieve some important life goals. Be it buying a car, buying a home or affording kids overseas…

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Tax Savings guide for Salaried Employees

Tax Savings guide for Salaried Employees

The financial year 2019-20 is going to end in nearly a quarter, individuals having gross total income exceeding the taxable limit must file an Income Tax Return (ITR) on or…

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Know why Credit Card Applications are rejected?

Know why Credit Card Applications are rejected?

Banks usually reject more Credit Card applications each day than they approve. Due to an increasing number of Credit Card payment defaults, nowadays, financial institutions have added extra measures when…

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Frequent Questions about Credit Score

Frequent Questions about Credit Score

Credit Card is a prime factor in getting your loan sanctioned and is used by the Banks to know the applicant's creditworthiness. It is very important to build a credit…

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Expand Your Operations with a Business Loan

Expand Your Operations with a Business Loan

Every business or a startup starts with a vision, a dream of taking an idea to reality. A business or an idea may look great on paper but many companies…

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Home Loan Provides you Tax Benefits. Know-How?

Home Loan Provides you Tax Benefits. Know-How?

Building or Buying your own house is a dream come true for everyone. The Indian government has always shown a great inclination to encourage citizens to invest in a house.…

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Get to know the charges for having a Credit Card

Get to know the charges for having a Credit Card

If you have just received your premier signature card from your bank and are absolutely thrilled, just hold for a moment. Your immediate urge maybe is to go out on…

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Beware! Gold Loan default does affect your Credit Score.

Beware! Gold Loan default does affect your Credit Score.

Gold Loan (also a type of Mortgage) is a loan wherein gold jewelry is provided as collateral security. Gold Loans are offered by nationalized banks, private banks, and other financial…

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Technology Revolution in Banking and lending

Technology Revolution in Banking and lending

Till about a decade ago, taking a loan meant a long cumbersome process that involved several trips to the bank and agents, conversations with multiple bank officials, comparing interest rates…

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Getting a Driving License in Bangalore – Here’s a look into it.

Getting a Driving License in Bangalore – Here’s a look into it.

Karnataka state Regional Transport Office strictly follows all traffic regulations and laws. These are expected to be diligently followed by everyone in the state. The applicants must first give a…

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Unified Payments Interface (UPI) – The Digital Banking Revolution

Unified Payments Interface (UPI) – The Digital Banking Revolution

Unified Payments Interface is the brainchild of the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI). As of today, UPI is the most powerful Banking tool witnessing more than a billion transactions…

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How does Credit Card Cashback work?

How does Credit Card Cashback work?

Credit Cards easily provide you financial support in the form of Plastic Money for utilities and personal Usage along with up to 45 days of Interest-free repayment options. Not just…

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Banking Holidays Karnataka 2020

Banking Holidays Karnataka 2020

Banks in Karnataka State observe 25 banking holidays apart from Sundays and Second/Fourth Saturday of Every Month. The list of holidays include both the National Holidays and Regional Holidays of…

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Pre-Approved Personal Loans.

Pre-Approved Personal Loans.

You would have received mail or a message on your email id and mobile number about having a pre-approved loan from various banks and NBFCs. Here's what you need to…

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Business Structures in India – A guide to Startup

Business Structures in India – A guide to Startup

India is the World's Startup hub and is seeing positive progress over the past years due to government policies and support for startups. Due to the prevailing situation, there is…

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Why PAN Card is so important?

Why PAN Card is so important?

Permanent Account Number or PAN is a unique alphanumeric 10-digit number allotted to every taxpayer by the Income Tax department under the supervision of CBDT - Central Board of Direct…

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How is your Credit Score calculated?

How is your Credit Score calculated?

Credit Score is an important factor that any lender will look into while evaluating your loan application. Therefore, it is important to understand how the Credit score is formulated to…

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3 assured ways to Build your Credit Score

3 assured ways to Build your Credit Score

If you are familiar with the concept of credit rating, you must be aware that a low credit score implies increased rates of interest and a higher level of verification…

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5 Proven ways to maintain your Credit Health with Credit Card

5 Proven ways to maintain your Credit Health with Credit Card

Maintaining a Credit card is a tricky business and a small dent would make huge damage to your Credit Health. To maintain a good credit score, here are the 5…

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Get a Business Loan against your Swiping Machine!

Get a Business Loan against your Swiping Machine!

Plastic/Card money has revolutionized the commercial world in the last two decades in the form of Credit/Debit Cards, Wallets and most recent UPI systems both for consumers as well as…

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Here’s how you can avoid defaulting on Business Loan!

Here’s how you can avoid defaulting on Business Loan!

Small Businesses usually run on loans availed either through a Bank, NBFCs, or local lenders. Defaulting on these has dire consequences. If the case is a Bank or an NBFC,…

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Here’s Everything about Loan against Property!

Here’s Everything about Loan against Property!

Loan against property provides immediate access to funds for salaried and self-employed against an asset as a mortgage. As the loan is a secured one, it brings multiple benefits for…

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Looking to start a Business? Here’s a Fundraising Guide!

Looking to start a Business? Here’s a Fundraising Guide!

Acquisition of funds that helps you to build your startup or business is an immense challenge, especially if you do not know where you should start to look for a fund. Confiding…

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Features and Benefits – Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

Features and Benefits – Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana by the Government of India comes with various features and benefits. Dividing among different economic classes, the scheme intends to provide Housing for all. Here's a…

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Avail Home Loan Subsidy under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana!

Avail Home Loan Subsidy under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana!

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) –  is a central government scheme launched with an aim to make buying home easier for: Economically Weaker Section Low Income Group Middle-Income Group The scheme offers…

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From a fragmented 27 PSBs in 2017 to 12 PSBs in 2019

From a fragmented 27 PSBs in 2017 to 12 PSBs in 2019

It was many Public Sector Banks to name in 2017 with almost 27 banks, among the highest numbers in the world, had captured the sector the market in pieces with…

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Home Loan Rejected! Know Why?

Home Loan Rejected! Know Why?

When you apply for a home loan, the bank has every right to accept or reject the same. In case your loan is rejected, your bank may or may not…

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An Ultimate Guide to select a Personal Loan

An Ultimate Guide to select a Personal Loan

A Personal Loan is a convenient financial resource you can turn into when a financial need arises. It also provides certain perks to enjoy while availing as it is unsecured…

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How Economic Slowdown hits MSME and Banking?

How Economic Slowdown hits MSME and Banking?

Representative Image: Factory Workers Indian economy is almost nearing its worst crisis in the 21st century with loss in jobs and is approaching economic downtime. This crisis is not expected…

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The Reserve Bank saves the day for the Government!

The Reserve Bank saves the day for the Government!

The Centre gets almost double the requested budget from the RBI at 1.76 Lakh Crs against 90k Cr.The fiscal deficit target has been set at 3.3% of GDP for the…

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Immediate steps to take if you are in a deep Credit Card debt

Immediate steps to take if you are in a deep Credit Card debt

Credit Cards are great financial tools. They empower you with financial convenience and flexibility, but as you may already know, no power comes without responsibility. So, if you’re currently at…

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Credit Card or Personal Loan?

Credit Card or Personal Loan?

The most popular option during any financial emergency would be either a Credit Card or a Personal Loan. Depending on the nature of your emergency, you can choose either. We’ll…

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